David Starr Jordan High School class of 91'-95'
Gloria aka.. [Tuty] Maldonado (Nieves)
Hello everyone, this is Gloria aka... (Tuty). And yes if you're still asking about Chemo, Domingo's brother we are still together going on 20 years now. Wow… I know what I can say we still love each other. After high school we moved to Las Vegas NV, yep the HOT! Desert. We have four wonderful children together, Nicholas he's 17yrs, Danny he's 14 yrs and Kayla who is now 12 yrs, and we just added a new child we adopted a girl name Destiny who is 9 yrs. We are living a great life we both loving it and enjoying every minute of our lives.
Wow… It's been 15 years now since I last saw any of my high school friends. I ‘am so glad to see familiar faces, and it's great that you all will be united again. Unfortunately we will not be able to attend the reunion. Have a fun and safe reunion!!!

Love always Tuty & Chemo